Financial Book Recommendations
Check out our list of financial reads that we love!
These are our personal picks that have inspired us on our various financial journeys. Happy reading!
- Employee: Karlie J. - Deposit Operations
- Book: The Compound Effect by Darren Hardy
- Why I Recommend: I enjoyed the read and it could be used to help create better financial habits.
- Employee: Jillianne W. - AVP of Consumer Loan Operations
- Book: One Cent, Two Cents, Old Cent, New Cent by Bonnie Worth
- Why I Recommend: My daughters are 3 and 5, I like introducing my girls to the concept of money. It talks about how money was created and why we have banks. We use it with our girls to start to talk to them about why we put money into our piggy bank.
- Employee: Leonard E. - Express Team MSR
- Book: Simple Path to Wealth by JL Collins
- Why I Recommend: Simple and straight forward principals to financial independence and generational wealth.
- Earn More
- Live below your means
- Limit debt
- Invest early, often and for the long-term.
- Employee: David M. - Processing Assistant
- Book: The Richest Man in Babylon by George S. Clason
- Why I Recommend: This is honestly one of my favorite books because it is a fictional story taken and put into a very legendary and historical setting. It addresses several financial subjects in the form of “parables” giving great advice that can be used and applied in real life when it comes to finances, as well as many other matters. It addresses bad habits that lead to bad spending, along with wishful thinking that usually leads to no profitability at all. This book itself has helped me remedy a number of financial & personal issues in my life and is honestly a great start for anyone who is in the beginning stages of becoming financially literate.
- Employee: Megan W. - Assistant Branch Manager
- Book: All I Really Need To Know I Learned In Kindergarten by Robert Fulghum
- Why I Recommend: It breaks down basics of taking care of yourself and others into a thoughtful, humorous, and easy way to relate. Each chapter is dedicated to a basic childhood rule and how it still applies into adulthood, for example: hold hands while you cross the street reminds us to look out for each other and that it’s okay to ask for help from others.
- Employee: Lyndsie B. - Director of Fraud Prevention
- Book: The Gift of Fear by Gavin De Becker
- Why I Recommend: It taught me to listen to my gut feeling – something I try to teach others to do whether they suspect fraudulent activity all the way to a feeling of unrest that there might be a threat of some kind nearby.
- Employee: Nicky S. - Branch MSR I
- Book: Finding Me by Viola Davis
- Why I Recommend: I love the true meaning of someone struggle in life and then to see such a powerful and beautiful outcome. This book inspires me. I felt her pain in every word. Then I felt her soul when forgiving herself, her parents, and her life. I felt her blessing in becoming someone's lover, wife, and then mother. As a woman, this book was very impactful.
- Employee: Gwen R. - Express Team MSR III
- Book: Get Good With Money by Tiffany Aliche
- Why I Recommend: The author comes from a spiritual aspect and is very discerptive and informative.
- Employee: William W. - Assistant Branch Manager
- Book: The Jewish Phenomenon (7 Keys To The Enduring Wealth of A People) by Steven Silbiger
- Why I Recommend: It helped me set up my generational trust fund for my family.