All branches and headquarters will be closed on Monday, Feb. 17, in observance of President’sDay. Info24, Mobile and Online Banking will remain available.

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Choose the calculator that fits your needs

Saving for college or retirement? Want to know if that new car loan will fit your budget or if refinancing your mortgage makes sense? These free financial calculators can help.

Available Calculators

Looking for a new car but not sure how much you can afford? Check out our Auto Loan Calculator to find the budget that works best for you.
Whether you’re looking to buy your first home, thinking about refinancing your current one, or putting its equity to work for you, these calculators can help you decide.
Determine your monthly payment and generate an estimated amortization schedule.
Determine the home equity line of credit amount you may qualify to receive.
Looking to consolidate your debt? Check out how quickly you could pay off debt and how much interest you can save with our Personal Loan calculator.
Determine the difference in fees between credit card balance transfers.
Just enter a few pieces of information to calculate your annual percentage yield (APY) and ending balance.
With a Certificate Ladder, you can benefit from higher dividend rates for longer maturities.

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