CD Rates

Grow your savings with a Community First CD. Take advantage of competitive rates, flexible terms, and guaranteed returns to reach your financial goals.

Promotional CDs

Effective 01/02/2025 08:00 AM

6 Month
SaveUP CD****

Min. Deposit



Standard $250 2.55% 2.58%
Jr. Jumbo $45,000 2.65% 2.68%
Jumbo $100,000 2.70% 2.73%
Jumbo Plus $250,000 2.75% 2.78%
Super Jumbo $500,000 3.00% 3.04%
Super Jumbo Plus $750,000 3.25% 3.30%
Super Jumbo Max $1,000,000 3.50% 3.56%

7 Month CD

Min. Deposit



Standard $500 3.85% 3.92%
Jr. Jumbo $45,000 3.85% 3.92%
Jumbo $100,000 3.85% 3.92%
Jumbo Plus $250,000 3.85% 3.92%
Super Jumbo $500,000 3.95% 4.02%
Super Jumbo Plus $750,000 4.05% 4.13%
Super Jumbo Max $1,000,000 4.10% 4.18%

13 Month CD

Min. Deposit



Standard $500 3.85% 3.92%
Jr. Jumbo $45,000 3.85% 3.92%
Jumbo $100,000 3.85% 3.92%
Jumbo Plus $250,000 3.85% 3.92%
Super Jumbo $500,000 3.95% 4.03%
Super Jumbo Plus $750,000 4.05% 4.13%
Super Jumbo Max $1,000,000 4.10% 4.18%

Check out our CD Rates

Effective 01/02/2025 08:00 AM

3-5 Month Term*

Regular CD Secured Loan Rate 4.50%

Min. Deposit



Standard $500 2.50% 2.53%
Jr. Jumbo $45,000 2.60% 2.63%
Jumbo $100,000 2.65% 2.68%
Jumbo Plus $250,000 2.70% 2.73%
Super Jumbo $500,000 2.95% 2.99%
Super Jumbo Plus $750,000 3.20% 3.25%
Super Jumbo Max $1,000,000 3.45% 3.51%

6-11 Month Term**

Regular CD Secured Loan Rate 4.55%

Min. Deposit



Standard $500 2.55% 2.58%
Jr. Jumbo $45,000 2.65% 2.68%
Jumbo $100,000 2.70% 2.73%
Jumbo Plus $250,000 2.75% 2.78%
Super Jumbo $500,000 3.00% 3.04%
Super Jumbo Plus $750,000 3.25% 3.30%
Super Jumbo Max $1,000,000 3.50% 3.56%

Youth Advantage - 12 Month Term

Min. Deposit



Standard $100 2.90% 2.94%
Jr. Jumbo $45,000 2.95% 2.99%
Jumbo $100,000 3.00% 3.05%
Jumbo Plus $250,000 3.30% 3.35%
Super Jumbo $500,000 3.55% 3.61%
Super Jumbo Plus $750,000 3.75% 3.82%
Super Jumbo Max $1,000,000 4.00% 4.08%

12-17 Month Term**

Regular CD Secured Loan Rate 4.90%

Min. Deposit



Standard $500 2.90% 2.94%
Jr. Jumbo $45,000 2.95% 2.99%
Jumbo $100,000 3.00% 3.05%
Jumbo Plus $250,000 3.30% 3.35%
Super Jumbo $500,000 3.55% 3.61%
Super Jumbo Plus $750,000 3.75% 3.82%
Super Jumbo Max $1,000,000 4.00% 4.08%

18-23 Month Term***

Regular CD Secured Loan Rate 4.95%

Min. Deposit



Standard $500 2.95% 2.99%
Jr. Jumbo $45,000 3.00% 3.05%
Jumbo $100,000 3.05% 3.10%
Jumbo Plus $250,000 3.35% 3.41%
Super Jumbo $500,000 3.70% 3.77%
Super Jumbo Plus $750,000 3.90% 3.98%
Super Jumbo Max $1,000,000 4.15% 4.24%

24-29 Month Term***

Regular CD Secured Loan Rate 5.15%

Min. Deposit



Standard $500 3.15% 3.20%
Jr. Jumbo $45,000 3.20% 3.25%
Jumbo $100,000 3.35% 3.41%
Jumbo Plus $250,000 3.40% 3.46%
Super Jumbo $500,000 3.65% 3.72%
Super Jumbo Plus $750,000 3.90% 3.98%
Super Jumbo Max $1,000,000 4.10% 4.18%

30-35 Month Term***

Regular CD Secured Loan Rate 5.20%

Min. Deposit



Standard $500 3.20% 3.25%
Jr. Jumbo $45,000 3.25% 3.30%
Jumbo $100,000 3.40% 3.46%
Jumbo Plus $250,000 3.45% 3.51%
Super Jumbo $500,000 3.70% 3.77%
Super Jumbo Plus $750,000 3.95% 4.03%
Super Jumbo Max $1,000,000 4.15% 4.24%

36-47 Month Term***

Regular CD Secured Loan Rate 5.25%

Min. Deposit



Standard $500 3.25% 3.30%
Jr. Jumbo $45,000 3.30% 3.35%
Jumbo $100,000 3.45% 3.51%
Jumbo Plus $250,000 3.50% 3.56%
Super Jumbo $500,000 3.75% 3.82%
Super Jumbo Plus $750,000 4.00% 4.08%
Super Jumbo Max $1,000,000 4.20% 4.29%

Adjustable 36 Month Term***

Min. Deposit



Standard $500 3.15% 3.20%
Jr. Jumbo $45,000 3.20% 3.25%
Jumbo $100,000 3.35% 3.41%
Jumbo Plus $250,000 3.40% 3.46%
Super Jumbo $500,000 3.70% 3.77%
Super Jumbo Plus $750,000 3.90% 3.98%
Super Jumbo Max $1,000,000 4.10% 4.18%

48-59 Month Term***

Regular CD Secured Loan Rate 5.00%

Min. Deposit



Standard $500 3.00% 3.05%
Jr. Jumbo $45,000 3.05% 3.10%
Jumbo $100,000 3.20% 3.25%
Jumbo Plus $250,000 3.25% 3.30%
Super Jumbo $500,000 3.50% 3.56%
Super Jumbo Plus $750,000 3.75% 3.82%
Super Jumbo Max $1,000,000 4.00% 4.08%

60 Month Term***

Regular CD Secured Loan Rate 5.10%

Min. Deposit



Standard $500 3.10% 3.15%
Jr. Jumbo $45,000 3.20% 3.25%
Jumbo $100,000 3.25% 3.30%
Jumbo Plus $250,000 3.35% 3.41%
Super Jumbo $500,000 3.60% 3.67%
Super Jumbo Plus $750,000 3.85% 3.92%
Super Jumbo Max $1,000,000 4.10% 4.18%

Adjustable 60 Month Term***

Min. Deposit



Standard $500 3.00% 3.05%
Jr. Jumbo $45,000 3.10% 3.15%
Jumbo $100,000 3.15% 3.20%
Jumbo Plus $250,000 3.25% 3.30%
Super Jumbo $500,000 3.50% 3.56%
Super Jumbo Plus $750,000 3.75% 3.82%
Super Jumbo Max $1,000,000 4.00% 4.08%
Product offers, rates, terms and other information provided herein are subject to change without notice. Due to the occasional inaccessibility to our website which may be beyond our control, Community First Credit Union cannot guarantee the completeness or accuracy of the information provided herein. The information provided to you on our calculators is estimated and provided solely for your interactive enjoyment. The results are not guaranteed to be accurate. To verify current offers and rates, please call 904.354.8537 or (800) 342-8416. *Subject to an early withdraw penalty equivalent to 31 days of interest earned.
 **Subject to an early withdraw penalty equivalent to 90 days of interest earned.
 ***Subject to an early withdraw penalty equivalent to 180 days of interest earned.
 ****Available to all college/vocational/technical school students. Additional contributions in $50 increments.
 Rates are subject to change. Credit and other restrictions apply. APR = Annual Percentage Rate. APY = Annual Percentage Yield.


The following applies to all of the above accounts, unless specifically stated.

Rate Information and Minimum Balance Requirements - You will be paid the dividend rate until first maturity or the one time rate adjustment for the 60 month adjustable rate certificate. The annual percentage yield is based on an assumption that dividends will remain in the account until maturity. A withdrawal will reduce the earnings. The required minimum balance is $100 to open a Youth Advantage Certificate, $250 to open a 6-Month Save Up CD, and is $500 to open all other certificate accounts. Your dividend rate and annual percentage yield are determined by your original certificate purchase amount and applied to the full balance in the Certificate account.

Compounding and Crediting Frequency

The dividend period for this type of account is monthly. Unless otherwise paid, dividends will be compounded monthly. Dividends will be credited to your certificate account or to any deposit account every month.

Balance Computation Method

Dividends are calculated by the daily balance method, which applies a daily periodic rate to the principal balance in your certificate account each day.

Accrual of Dividends on Non-cash Deposits

Dividends will begin to accrue on the business day you deposit non-cash items (for example, checks) to your certificate account.

Transaction Limitations

After the certificate account is opened, you may not make additional deposits (add-ons) into this certificate account until the maturity date except for the Youth Advantage certificate account explained below.


A SEP-IRA (Simplified Employee Pension) is an easy to administer retirement plan for anyone who is self-employed, owns a business, employs others, or earns freelance income.

36 or 60 Month Adjustable Account Certificates and Youth Advantage Certificate

You may change the dividend rate (and corresponding APY) one time on a 36 or 60 month adjustable rate certificate. This change is a one-time option during the 36 or 60 month term of the certificate. You will have to make the decision to adjust the dividend rate to the current published 36 or 60 month adjustable certificate dividend rates. If you adjust the dividend rate, this new dividend rate would be fixed for the remainder of the 36 or 60 month certificate term. For the Youth Advantage Certificate, you have the ability to make multiple deposits of additional funds (add-ons) to the certificate account with a minimum deposit of $25 or more. The Youth Advantage Certificate is not eligible for the one-time dividend rate adjustment option.

Early Withdrawal Penalties

We may impose a penalty if certificate funds other than dividends are withdrawn prior to the maturity date. The penalty will be: a loss of 31 days dividends if the certificate term is between 3 and 5 months; a loss of 90 days dividends if the certificate term is 4 months through 12 months; a loss of 180 days dividends if the certificate term is 13 months or greater. The certificate principal balance may be reduced if necessary to effect the penalty. The penalty does not apply to any of the following withdrawals: withdrawal subsequent to the death of any owner; or if the account is part of a qualified individual retirement plan (IRA) and the withdrawal is to effect distribution of funds upon the participant’s disability or attainment of not less than 59 1/2 years of age.

Renewal Policies

All certificates will automatically renew at maturity. You will have a grace period of 14 calendar days after the maturity date to withdraw the funds in the certificate account without being charged an early withdrawal penalty as described above.

National Credit Union Share Insurance Fund

Member accounts in Community First Credit Union are federally insured by the National Credit Union Share Insurance Fund.