Spring Cleaning Your Finances
Now announcing our newest streaming service, The Community First Financial Network! We will be discussing hot financial topics, the latest in the stock market, and whatever a NFT is.
We are obviously kidding, but with all the streaming services available now, it wouldn’t be that surprising to see, would it? While we would love to film our own version of the Office, we will stick with what we know. And that is spring cleaning. Not your house, we mean your budget! Though we are pretty handy with a broom, too.
Between those services and your regular old bills, these can add up quickly to become one giant chunk out of your bank account. If only there was a way to get all those deals under one price. Wait, isn’t this why we all cut the cable cord to begin with? Did we just come full circle?
Stop your spinning and let’s break down the steps to cleaning up your finances and get set for the summer fun.
1. Make a list
First up, find them all. Between deals and signing up for free trials, it’s easy to lose track of what you are actually subscribed to. Check your bank statements or online banking for monthly charges and write them down. Don’t forget to go back and look for annual or quarterly charges (forever surprised by Amazon Prime once a year over here).
When you start a new trial, set a reminder for yourself to cancel it in time so you don’t accidentally get charged. If you decide you like it, immediately add it to your budget so it doesn’t get lost.
2. Check it twice
Take a good hard look. What do you really need? When is the last time you played something off your PS5 subscription or watched a new show specifically on Hulu? Maybe it’s time to hit pause on those. The best part? If you really needed it, you can simply resubscribe.
Overall, this is a great opportunity to make sure you aren’t throwing money away. You may just catch something you completely forgot about and that money just goes straight back to your pocket.
3. Package it up
Check your deals. For example, a lot of new cell phone companies are promoting free Netflix. This is actually free, not just stealing your brother’s password “free.” Plus, look into discounts. Some programs will have student, teacher, or first responder deals to take advantage of.
Once you are done, take a deep breath, because you did it! Don’t you feel better? Now maybe you can take the money from that beauty box you haven’t been using and go get yourself an ice cream. Don’t forget, if you still need help you can fill out the form below to be contacted by one of our moveUP Financial Wellness Specialists. Happy Spring!